Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Definition of Insanity

I believe it was Albert Einstein that was credited witht the quote of; "The definition of Insanity is continuing to do the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

In TAGS Barney was the resident Psychologist, A few of his observations of note were, 1)" if a bat lays eggs in your hair you will go crazy," and 2) Ernest T. Bass "is a NUT!"

In my situation I will defer to Dr. Einstien and refer to doing the same things over and over and expecting improvements. I had recently been stuck in a rut of not running more than 3 miles, but last Sunday, April 4 I decided to streetch the run into a 5K (6.2 miles) and then 5 miles on Tuesday night, so I did something many may feel was insane. I signed up for a Half Marathon a the the Talladega Speedway.

Then I did it! Crazy huh? O well after 2:19:09 I had run farther without walking than ever before. It was a PR and I only made 2 Pit Stops and did not have to take on any new tires.....only refuled with water and Gu (energy gel). So to improve or get diifferent result sometimes you have got to step out in FAITH.

Verse for today:

Isaiah 40:31

"But thise that wait upon the Lord Shall renew their strength;

They shall is rise up on wings like eagles,

they shall run and not be weary,

they shall walk and not faint."

The Lord never promised there would be no pain sometimes you just have to push through it to come out on the other side. Stronger, but more dependent and trusting on God.

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